Account Registration
You can create your account today through Friday 14 February, 2025 3:00 PM, CST.
Judges and stewards may register now through Saturday 8 March, 2025 7:00 PM, CST.
Entry Registration
You can add your entries to the system today through Friday 14 February, 2025 3:00 PM, CST.
Entry Fees
$50.00 (USD) per entry.
BJCP 2021 Styles Accepted
If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.
Per Entrant Limits
Each entrant is limited to 5 entries.
Pay Entry Fees
After creating your account and adding your entries to the system, you must pay your entry fee(s). Accepted payment methods are:
- Credit/debit card and e-check, via PayPal
Entry Acceptance Rules
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 3
We prefer entries in 12oz brown glass bottles, however, we accept any packaging format.
Bottles will not be returned to contest entrants.
All requisite paperwork must be submitted with each entry and can be printed directly from this website. Entry paperwork should be attached to bottles by the method specified on the bottle label.
Be meticulous about noting any special ingredients. Failure to note such ingredients may impact the judges' scoring of your entry.
If for some reason this does not match your requirements you may send a request to us VIA Email and we'll do our best to honor your preference.
Each entry will consist of capped or corked bottles/cans of any style and size.
THREE BOTTLES ARE RECOMMENDED. Each bottle must be a minimum of 6 ounces (187 ml) but we will accept whatever bottles you send.
There will be 3 rounds of judging including Best Of Show. To help your decision making, you should know that we don't hold partial bottles for subsequent rounds of judging. A fresh bottle is needed for each round. If you send fewer than 3 bottles or inadequate volume you might not win an award. Two bottles will be sufficient for an award, but will not be included for Best Of Show.
We recommend inclusion of one 12oz. (or two 6oz.) bottles for use in the Best Of Show judging. The BOS judging panel will be 5 judges. If a re-pour is needed and you didn't send enough mead, your entry will not be eligible to win. This is YOUR decision. Choose wisely.
Note: You will not receive an automatic notification from Paypal for payment. We will manually mark entries as paid when payment is confirmed.
Organizers will review descriptive information:
Ingredient information is acceptable if it is not specific to an entrant (i.e. East Elk River backyard honey is not acceptable, Minnesota wildflower is acceptable).
Information that is not relevant to the mead WILL BE REMOVED.
Information that could reveal the mead maker to a friendly judge for special treatment or that violates the blind judging standard we adhere to WILL BE REMOVED.
If you have questions you may contact us at: info @
(the contact form does not appear to work as expected)
Entry Delivery
Entry bottles accepted at our drop-off locations Friday 3 January, 2025 5:00 PM, CST — Friday 14 February, 2025 3:00 PM, CST.
Please pay attention to the notes provided for each drop-off location. There could be earlier deadlines for some drop-off locations listed, particular hours when entries are accepted, certain individuals to leave your entries with, etc. All entrants are responsible for reading the information provided by the organizers for each drop-off location.
Beer Meister LLC (Northstar Mattress Building), ATTN: Valkyries Horn - Commercial
3795 Pinto Dr, Medina, MN 55340
+1 (888) 453-4233
*Check store hours if you are dropping off - they do not stay open late in the evening.
Check store hours if you are dropping off - they do not stay open late in the evening.
Shipping Info
Entry bottles accepted at our shipping location Friday 3 January, 2025 5:00 PM, CST — Friday 14 February, 2025 5:00 PM, CST.
Ship entries to:
Beer Meister LLC (Northstar Mattress Building), ATTN: Valkyries Horn
3795 Pinto Dr, Medina, MN 55340
Packing and Shipping
We prefer to have the label completely covered with clear packing tape which is then taped to the barrel of the bottle.
You may also enclose the label in a ziplock bag, and use a rubber band to attach the label to the barrel of the bottle. These have a tendency to fall off of the bottles so it is your risk to use this method.
The printed label instructions will tell you to tape them to the barrel. Either method is acceptable.
DO NOT secure the lable to the neck of the bottle.
Labeling video:
Carefully pack your entries in a sturdy box. Line the inside of your carton with a plastic trash bag. Partition and pack each bottle with adequate packaging material. Please do not over pack!
Packaging video:
The link provided here may provide some guidance with packaging and shipping. Bottle shippers work best in most cases.
Please know that it is ILLEGAL to ship alcoholic beverages using the US Postal Service. Shipping companies all have different rules - do not declare alcohol unless they specifically permit it to be shipped to a business.
Write clearly: "Fragile This Side Up" on the package. Please use bottle shippers or bubble wrap as your packing material (NO PACKING PEANUTS).
Every reasonable effort will be made to contact entrants whose bottles have broken to make arrangements for sending replacement bottles.
Entrants outside of the USA:
You may ship as soon as your entries are paid, labeled and packaged to ship.
Please contact us at: info @ valkyireshorn . com for a special delivery location which may expedite passage through US Customs.
Judging Sessions
Sign up to judge on the Amateur Competition Website Please
Friday 7 March, 2025 9:30 AM, CST
Best of Show
Best of Show will receive the Valkyries Horn!
This is a drinking horn with the competition logo, Best Of Show, and year engraved into the surface, along with a horn stand for display.
The Best Of Show winner will be decided by a panel of 5 very experienced judges.
We also offer four custom engraved small format barrel heads for our Best in Class winners of the following categories:
Master of Blossoms
Master of Fruit
Master of Spice
Master of Mayhem
These are suitable for display in your meaderies.
Good Luck!
Location for 2025 awards on Saturday March 8 is:
38 Northern Stacks Dr.
Fridley, MN 55421-2798
Private event space at the north end of the building.
7pm (estimated) awards
Volunteers and Entrants are encouraged to attend the awards ceremony.
Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category/table, metal medallions and ribbons will be awarded to all placements.
The 1st place entry in each category will advance to the Best of Show (BOS) round with a single, overall Best of Show mead selected.
Additional prizes may be awarded to those winners present at the awards ceremony at the discretion of the competition organizers.
Score sheets should be available for download after the Best of Show and awards announcements by 9pm on Sunday evening but this is NOT guaranteed. They MIGHT be available earlier. Awards will be mailed to winning participants. Scoresheets will ONLY be available on-line through the competition download feature.
Awards Ceremony
Forgotten Star Brewing
38 Northern Stacks Dr. Fridley, MN 55421-2798
Saturday 8 March, 2025 7:00 PM, CST
Similar in balance, body, finish and flavor intensity to a dry white wine, with a pleasant mixture of subtle honey character, soft fruity esters, and clean alcohol. Complexity, harmony, and balance of sensory elements are most desirable, with no inconsistencies in color, aroma, flavor or aftertaste. The proper balance of sweetness, acidity, alcohol, and honey character is the essential final measure of any mead.
Entry Info: Entry Instructions: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level and strength. Sweetness is assumed to be DRY in this category. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Similar in balance, body, finish and flavor intensity to a semisweet (or medium-dry) white wine, with a pleasant mixture of honey character, light sweetness, soft fruity esters, and clean alcohol. Complexity, harmony, and balance of sensory elements are most desirable, with no inconsistencies in color, aroma, flavor or aftertaste. The proper balance of sweetness, acidity, alcohol, and honey character is the essential final measure of any mead.
Entry Info: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level and strength. Sweetness is assumed to be SEMI-SWEET in this category. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
Similar in balance, body, finish and flavor intensity to a well-made dessert wine (such as Sauternes), with a pleasant mixture of honey character, residual sweetness, soft fruity esters, and clean alcohol. Complexity, harmony, and balance of sensory elements are most desirable, with no inconsistencies in color, aroma, flavor or aftertaste. The proper balance of sweetness, acidity, alcohol, and honey character is the essential final measure of any mead.
Entry Info: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level and strength. Sweetness is assumed to be SWEET in this category. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties.
A Cyser is a melomel made with apples (generally cider). Cyser is a mead made with the addition of apples or apple juice. Traditionally, cysers are made by the addition of honey to apple juice without additional water. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the varieties of apple used; if specified, a varietal character will be expected. A spiced cyser should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A cyser with other fruit should be entered as a Melomel. A cyser with additional ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Cysers. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Cyser is a melomel made with apples (generally cider). Cyser is a mead made with the addition of apples or apple juice. Traditionally, cysers are made by the addition of honey to apple juice without additional water. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the varieties of apple used; if specified, a varietal character will be expected. A spiced cyser should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A cyser with other fruit should be entered as a Melomel. A cyser with additional ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Cysers. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Cyser is a melomel made with apples (generally cider). Cyser is a mead made with the addition of apples or apple juice. Traditionally, cysers are made by the addition of honey to apple juice without additional water. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the varieties of apple used; if specified, a varietal character will be expected. A spiced cyser should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A cyser with other fruit should be entered as a Melomel. A cyser with additional ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Cysers. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Pyment is a melomel made with grapes (generally from juice). Pyments can be red, white, or blush, just as with wine. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the varieties of grape used; if specified, a varietal character will be expected. A spiced pyment (hippocras) should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A pyment made with other fruit should be entered as a Melomel. A pyment with other ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Pyments. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Pyment is a melomel made with grapes (generally from juice). Pyments can be red, white, or blush, just as with wine. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the varieties of grape used; if specified, a varietal character will be expected. A spiced pyment (hippocras) should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A pyment made with other fruit should be entered as a Melomel. A pyment with other ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Pyments. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Pyment is a melomel made with grapes (generally from juice). Pyments can be red, white, or blush, just as with wine. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the varieties of grape used; if specified, a varietal character will be expected. A spiced pyment (hippocras) should be entered as a Fruit and Spice Mead. A pyment made with other fruit should be entered as a Melomel. A pyment with other ingredients should be entered as an Experimental Mead.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Pyments. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Berry Mead is an entry category for melomels made with berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants (black, red, and white), strawberries, boysenberries, elderberries, marionberries, mulberries, lingonberries, huckleberries, cranberries, etc. Generally any fruit with 'berry' in the name would qualify. Berries can have seeds, but do not have stones/pits; some are aggregates of druplets. Combinations of berries can be entered here. The culinary, not botanical, definition of berry is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Berry Mead. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Berry Mead is an entry category for melomels made with berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants (black, red, and white), strawberries, boysenberries, elderberries, marionberries, mulberries, lingonberries, huckleberries, cranberries, etc. Generally any fruit with 'berry' in the name would qualify. Berries can have seeds, but do not have stones/pits; some are aggregates of druplets. Combinations of berries can be entered here. The culinary, not botanical, definition of berry is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Berry Mead. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Berry Mead is an entry category for melomels made with berries, such as raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, currants (black, red, and white), strawberries, boysenberries, elderberries, marionberries, mulberries, lingonberries, huckleberries, cranberries, etc. Generally any fruit with 'berry' in the name would qualify. Berries can have seeds, but do not have stones/pits; some are aggregates of druplets. Combinations of berries can be entered here. The culinary, not botanical, definition of berry is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Berry Mead. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Stone Fruit Mead is an entry category for melomels made with stone fruit, such as cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, and mangoes. Stone fruit are fleshy fruit with a single large pit or stone. The culinary, not botanical, definition of stone fruit is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean. Combinations of stone fruit can be entered here.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Stone Fruit Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Stone Fruit Mead is an entry category for melomels made with stone fruit, such as cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, and mangoes. Stone fruit are fleshy fruit with a single large pit or stone. The culinary, not botanical, definition of stone fruit is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean. Combinations of stone fruit can be entered here.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Stone Fruit Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Stone Fruit Mead is an entry category for melomels made with stone fruit, such as cherries, plums, peaches, apricots, and mangoes. Stone fruit are fleshy fruit with a single large pit or stone. The culinary, not botanical, definition of stone fruit is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean. Combinations of stone fruit can be entered here.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Stone Fruit Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
The melomel subcategory is for fruit meads made with any fruit not associated with any other fruit mead subcategory, or with a combination of fruits from multiple fruit mead subcategories (such as grapes and stone fruit). Some examples include citrus fruit, dried fruits (dates, prunes, raisins, etc.), pears, figs, pomegranates, prickly pear, bananas, pineapples, and most other tropical fruit. If in doubt, enter the fruit here. Judges should be flexible with fruit not explicitly named in other categories. The use of Melomel as a subcategory name does not imply that other meads in the Fruit Mead category are not also melomels; the choice was made to avoid using the same word twice in different contexts. The culinary, not botanical, definition of fruit is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Melomels. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
The melomel subcategory is for fruit meads made with any fruit not associated with any other fruit mead subcategory, or with a combination of fruits from multiple fruit mead subcategories (such as grapes and stone fruit). Some examples include citrus fruit, dried fruits (dates, prunes, raisins, etc.), pears, figs, pomegranates, prickly pear, bananas, pineapples, and most other tropical fruit. If in doubt, enter the fruit here. Judges should be flexible with fruit not explicitly named in other categories. The use of Melomel as a subcategory name does not imply that other meads in the Fruit Mead category are not also melomels; the choice was made to avoid using the same word twice in different contexts. The culinary, not botanical, definition of fruit is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Melomels. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
The melomel subcategory is for fruit meads made with any fruit not associated with any other fruit mead subcategory, or with a combination of fruits from multiple fruit mead subcategories (such as grapes and stone fruit). Some examples include citrus fruit, dried fruits (dates, prunes, raisins, etc.), pears, figs, pomegranates, prickly pear, bananas, pineapples, and most other tropical fruit. If in doubt, enter the fruit here. Judges should be flexible with fruit not explicitly named in other categories. The use of Melomel as a subcategory name does not imply that other meads in the Fruit Mead category are not also melomels; the choice was made to avoid using the same word twice in different contexts. The culinary, not botanical, definition of fruit is used here. If you have to justify a fruit using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Melomels. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Fruit and Spice Mead is a mead containing one or more fruits and one or more spices. See the definitions of fruit used in the various Fruit Mead subcategories; any ingredient qualifying there meets the 'fruit' requirement here. For purposes of this subcategory, any ingredient qualifying for use in the Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead subcategory also meets the 'spice' requirement here.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Fruit and Spice Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Fruit and Spice Mead is a mead containing one or more fruits and one or more spices. See the definitions of fruit used in the various Fruit Mead subcategories; any ingredient qualifying there meets the 'fruit' requirement here. For purposes of this subcategory, any ingredient qualifying for use in the Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead subcategory also meets the 'spice' requirement here.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Fruit and Spice Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Fruit and Spice Mead is a mead containing one or more fruits and one or more spices. See the definitions of fruit used in the various Fruit Mead subcategories; any ingredient qualifying there meets the 'fruit' requirement here. For purposes of this subcategory, any ingredient qualifying for use in the Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead subcategory also meets the 'spice' requirement here.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Fruit and Spice Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead contains one or more spices, herbs, or vegetables (in this style definition, these are collectively known as 'spices'). The culinary, not botanical, definition of spice, herb, or vegetable is used here. If you have to justify a spice, herb, or vegetable using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean. The same definitions apply to this category as to the similarly named beer category. In addition to the more obvious spices, herbs, and vegetables that fit into this subcategory, the following ingredients also are explicitly included: roses, rose hips, ginger, rhubarb, pumpkins, chili peppers, coffee, chocolate, nuts (including coconut), citrus peels/zest, and teas (except those strictly used for increasing tannin levels, not for adding flavor).
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Spice, Herb and Vegetable Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead contains one or more spices, herbs, or vegetables (in this style definition, these are collectively known as 'spices'). The culinary, not botanical, definition of spice, herb, or vegetable is used here. If you have to justify a spice, herb, or vegetable using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean. The same definitions apply to this category as to the similarly named beer category. In addition to the more obvious spices, herbs, and vegetables that fit into this subcategory, the following ingredients also are explicitly included: roses, rose hips, ginger, rhubarb, pumpkins, chili peppers, coffee, chocolate, nuts (including coconut), citrus peels/zest, and teas (except those strictly used for increasing tannin levels, not for adding flavor).
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Spice, Herb and Vegetable Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead contains one or more spices, herbs, or vegetables (in this style definition, these are collectively known as 'spices'). The culinary, not botanical, definition of spice, herb, or vegetable is used here. If you have to justify a spice, herb, or vegetable using the word 'technically' as part of the description, then that is not what we mean. The same definitions apply to this category as to the similarly named beer category. In addition to the more obvious spices, herbs, and vegetables that fit into this subcategory, the following ingredients also are explicitly included: roses, rose hips, ginger, rhubarb, pumpkins, chili peppers, coffee, chocolate, nuts (including coconut), citrus peels/zest, and teas (except those strictly used for increasing tannin levels, not for adding flavor).
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Spice, Herb and Vegetable Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
A harmonious blend of mead and beer, with the distinctive characteristics of both. A wide range of results are possible, depending on the base style of beer, variety of honey and overall sweetness and strength. Beer flavors tend to somewhat mask typical honey flavors found in other meads. and honey, although the specific balance is open to creative interpretation by brewers.
Entry Info: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MAY specify the base style or beer or types of malt used. Products with a relatively low proportion of honey should be entered in the Spiced Beer category as a Honey Beer.
This mead should exhibit the character of all of the ingredients in varying degrees, and should show a good blending or balance between the various flavor elements. Whatever ingredients are included, the result should be identifiable as a honey-based fermented beverage.
Entry Info: Entrants MUST specify carbonation level, strength, and sweetness. Entrants MAY specify honey varieties. Entrants MUST specify the special nature of the mead, providing a description of the mead for judges if no such description is available from the BJCP.
An Experimental Mead is a mead that does not fit into any other mead subcategory. This could apply to meads that blend multiple mead subcategories (unless the combination fits elsewhere, such as Melomel or Fruit and Spice Mead). Any experimental mead using additional sources of fermentables (e.g., maple syrup, molasses, brown sugar, or agave nectar), additional ingredients (e.g., liquors, smoke, etc.), alternative processes (e.g., icing), fermentation with non-traditional yeasts (e.g., Brettanomyces, Belgian lambic or ale, etc.), or other unusual ingredient, process, or technique would also be appropriate in this category. Oak-aging does not necessarily force a mead into the Experimental Mead style unless the barrel has another characteristic (such as bourbon) in addition to the wood. No mead can be out of style for this category unless it fits into another existing mead category. Note: Just because it is the first time you have done something, that does not mean it is experimental.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for DRY Experimental Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
An Experimental Mead is a mead that does not fit into any other mead subcategory. This could apply to meads that blend multiple mead subcategories (unless the combination fits elsewhere, such as Melomel or Fruit and Spice Mead). Any experimental mead using additional sources of fermentables (e.g., maple syrup, molasses, brown sugar, or agave nectar), additional ingredients (e.g., liquors, smoke, etc.), alternative processes (e.g., icing), fermentation with non-traditional yeasts (e.g., Brettanomyces, Belgian lambic or ale, etc.), or other unusual ingredient, process, or technique would also be appropriate in this category. Oak-aging does not necessarily force a mead into the Experimental Mead style unless the barrel has another characteristic (such as bourbon) in addition to the wood. No mead can be out of style for this category unless it fits into another existing mead category. Note: Just because it is the first time you have done something, that does not mean it is experimental.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SEMI-SWEET Experimental Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
An Experimental Mead is a mead that does not fit into any other mead subcategory. This could apply to meads that blend multiple mead subcategories (unless the combination fits elsewhere, such as Melomel or Fruit and Spice Mead). Any experimental mead using additional sources of fermentables (e.g., maple syrup, molasses, brown sugar, or agave nectar), additional ingredients (e.g., liquors, smoke, etc.), alternative processes (e.g., icing), fermentation with non-traditional yeasts (e.g., Brettanomyces, Belgian lambic or ale, etc.), or other unusual ingredient, process, or technique would also be appropriate in this category. Oak-aging does not necessarily force a mead into the Experimental Mead style unless the barrel has another characteristic (such as bourbon) in addition to the wood. No mead can be out of style for this category unless it fits into another existing mead category. Note: Just because it is the first time you have done something, that does not mean it is experimental.
Entry Info: Special Sub-Category for SWEET Experimental Meads. Sub-categories have been "pre-split" so the mead-maker has the best opportunity for "like vs like" judging. NOTE: Sub-Categories will NOT be combined with other Sub-Categories (i.e. No Braggot + Historical combos). If a pre-split sub-category is very small we may combine it with the next closest sub-category (i.e. Dry + Semi). You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength (Hydromel, Standard, Sack) information (via radio buttons).
Barrel character must be clear and apparent. Any TTB/FDA/Dept. of Agriculture permitted ingredient is permissible. Any honey source is permissible. If the barrel character is subtle or supportive it might perform better in another category.
Entry Info: You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength information (via radio buttons). Barrel character must be clear and apparent. Any TTB/FDA/Dept. of Agriculture permitted ingredient is permissible. Any honey source is permissible. If the barrel character is subtle or supportive it might perform better in another category.
You must provide Carbonation, Sweetness and Strength information (via radio buttons). A session mead is defined as having a starting gravity between 9 and 20 Brix (1.035 to 1.080) with an ABV between 3.5% and 7.5%. Any TTB/FDA/Dept. of Agriculture permitted ingredient may be used. Any honey source is permitted.
Entry Info: A session mead is defined as having a starting gravity between 9 and 20 Brix (1.035 to 1.080) with an ABV between 3.5% and 7.5%. Any TTB/FDA/Dept. of Agriculture permitted ingredient may be used. Any honey source is permitted.